Exhibition: Birgitta Weimer – (UN)SICHTBAR. Kunst im Anthropozän. Galerie Maurer, Frankfurt am Main
EXHIBITION: Birgitta Weimer – (UN)SICHTBAR. Kunst im Anthropozän. Galerie Maurer, Frankfurt am Main
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Exhibition: Birgitta Weimer – (UN)SICHTBAR. Kunst im Anthropozän. Galerie Maurer, Frankfurt am Main

EXHIBITION: Birgitta Weimer – (UN)SICHTBAR. Kunst im Anthropozän. Galerie Maurer, Frankfurt am Main

“The Anthropocene is present, always, and everywhere, whether we see it or not. Art in the Anthropocene must go beyond the documentary and address the fundamental shaking of the dualism of subject and object, of human and non-human, in other words, nothing less than a new way of being-in-the-world. Art can express the imperceptible, the uncanny of an experience of something too close to be objectified, too large to be depicted, too complex to be narrated”.

Galerie Maurer
Fahrgasse 5
60311 Frankfurt am Main


Mindscapes_Floating 2023
Glas lenses, mirror, perspex, 90 x 90 x 10cm