Make Roma – Archibloom
The dimensions in which humans transform Earth in the Anthropocene are numerous and the resulting stratigraphy is potentially infinite. Make Roma is a design experience and a spatial practice. The main focus is on the ground: ground as a maximum abstraction, a zero level from which to start reflecting on what happens above and below it; ground as a potential archive, in which it is possible to dig in every point to find the origin of many possible discussions on the city. Rome as a pretext, a starting point to look at ourselves and the world around us
Art, Anthropocene, Critical View, New Scenarios
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Make Roma – Archibloom

Fieldstations e.V. | DAZ | TUBerlin
14.10.2021 @ 6:00 PM
Lidia Gasperoni, Matthias Böttger, Christophe Barlieb

Make Roma – Tools and Practices for Looking at the Earth

The dimensions in which humans transform Earth in the Anthropocene are numerous and the resulting stratigraphy is potentially infinite. Make Roma is a design experience and a spatial practice. The main focus is on the ground: ground as a maximum abstraction, a zero level from which to start reflecting on what happens above and below it; ground as a potential archive, in which it is possible to dig in every point to find the origin of many possible discussions on the city. Rome as a pretext, a starting point to look at ourselves and the world around us.

Archibloom is a collective of architects, urbanists, landscape and restoration architects founded in 2019.

The event is curated by Lidia Gasperoni, Matthias Böttger and Christophe Barlieb of Fieldstations. The talk, in cooperation with the Chair of Architectural Theory (TU Berlin), is part of the DAZ series “We need to talk!”.
Link to the event: