Elin Eyborg: Performance Screening MAKER MARKER at BHROX, Berlin 18. February 2023 5 pm
In the context of the exhibition Everyday Matters (organized by FG Hehl), Elin Eyborg presents and discusses her ongoing project MAKER MARKER developed during the residency programme FIELDEXPLORER (a collaboration with Filmexplorer. Expand the Experience). The event (free and open to the public) will start at 5pm at the BHROX bauhaus reuse on Ernst-Reuter-Platz, Berlin.
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Elin Eyborg: Performance Screening MAKER MARKER at BHROX, Berlin 18. February 2023 5 pm
In the context of the exhibition Everyday Matters (organized by FG Hehl, TU Berlin), Elin Eyborg presents and discusses her ongoing project MAKER MARKER developed during the residency programme FIELDEXPLORER (a collaboration with Filmexplorer. Expand the Experience). The event (free and open to the public) will start at 5pm at the BHROX bauhaus reuse on Ernst-Reuter-Platz, Berlin.
Elin Eyborg’s WEBSITE
About Elin’s research at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL – and on her PhD project
Organized by Lidia Gasperoni in cooperation with FG Hehl (TU Berlin)