1.1 The association carries the name “Fieldstations – Association for the Promotion of Research and Science of the Anthropocene” (abbreviation: Fieldstations). It is registered in the Register of Associations at the District Court Berlin-Charlottenburg and has the suffix “eV”
1.2 The association is based in Berlin.
1.3 Fiscal year of the association is the calendar year.
2.1 The purpose of the association is:
– to generate new knowledge about the Anthropocene i.e. the geological age, human impact on environments.
– to disseminate this knowledge to different areas of our societies and to contribute to sustainable development for future generations.
– to promote nature conservation and landscape management in the sense of the German Federal Nature Conservation Act and the nature conservation laws and environmental protection laws of the German Federal States, as well as the promotion of science and research relating to the epoch known as the Anthropocene.
2.2 The purposes of the statutes are realized in particular by means of:
– Research projects, including the creation and networking of local observation stations and the use of existing or new technologies for the analysis and interpretation of habitats.
– Activities in education and research, the results of which are published (e.g. by analogue and digital publications, exhibitions).
– international education academies and workshops exploring the causes and impacts of humans on the environment.
– Symposia, discussion events, seminars and lectures explaining and discussing the causes and effects of humans on the environment.
3.1 The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.
3.2 The association is selflessly active; it does not pursue self-economic purposes and can accept donations in good and in kind.
3.3 The funds of the association may only be used for the association’s statutory purposes. Such donations and other donations from third parties, which are expressly intended for this purpose, directly accrue to the association.
3.4 No person may be favored by expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
3.5 The members may not receive any donations from the funds of the association.
3.6 Reserves may only be made within the framework of the tax-free charter.
4.1 Membership may be granted to natural and legal persons as well as associations of persons who want to promote the purposes and objectives of the association. The number of members is unlimited.
4.2 Membership is requested by written application to the Board of Directors. The board decides on the application at its own discretion.
4.3 The association consists of
– Ordinary members
– Sponsoring members
4.4 Ordinary members are individuals; Sponsors may be individuals, associations, corporations, companies, companies and companies.
5.1 The membership ends with the death of a member, the dissolution of a company or association, by resignation or by exclusion from the association.
5.2 Resignation from the association must be made in writing to the executive board with a notice period of three months to the end of the calendar year.
5.3 The full membership fee for the current year is payable upon notice.
5.4 The Board of Directors may, by a decision of the Board of Directors, expel a member with immediate effect if it intentionally violates the interests of the association and delete it from the list of members if it is in arrears despite a reminder with two membership fees. The decision must be reasoned and made known to the member.
6.1 Membership fees are collected from ordinary members and sponsoring members whose amount and due date are set out in a separate contribution order.
6.2 The membership fee is decided upon by the General Assembly at the proposal of the Board of Directors. It is not part of the statute.
6.3 In appropriate cases, the Board of Directors may wholly or partially approve collecting contributions of ordinary members.
Organs of the association are:
7.1 the general meeting;
7.2 the board;
8.1 Only ordinary members are entitled to vote in the general meeting. Every ordinary member has one vote. The right to speak may be granted and withdrawn by the Chairperson in an appropriate manner with a view to the orderly conduct of the meeting.
8.2 The General Assembly is responsible for the following matters:
8.2.1 election of the Board;
8.2.2 Receipt of the annual report of the Management Board and discharge of the Management Board;
8.2.3 approval of the budget prepared by the Board for the next financial year;
8.2.4 addition of other ordinary members;
8.2.5 Resolution on changes to the statutes and the dissolution of the association.
9.1 The general meeting takes place annually. The convocation must be in writing or electronically three weeks before the date of the meeting and must include the agenda set by the Board.
9.2 Each member may apply to the Board of Directors in writing or electronically to supplement the agenda no later than one week before a general meeting. The chairman of the meeting must announce the supplement at the beginning of the general meeting. The Assembly decides on motions and additions to the agenda to be made in the General Assembly.
The board can call an extraordinary general meeting at any time. This must be done if the interest of the association so requires or if 1/5 of the members requested in writing, stating the purpose and the reasons.
11.1 The General Assembly shall be chaired by the Chairperson or by one of the Vice-Chairmen. If no board member is present, the meeting determines the chairperson.
11.2 The chairman of the meeting determines the secretary and determines the type of voting. At the request of at least two members, a written agreement is required.
11.3 The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum, irrespective of the number of members present or represented, if duly convened.
11.4 Each member may be represented by another member on the basis of a written power of attorney. No member can represent more than three proxies.
11.5 The general meeting passes resolutions by a simple majority of the valid votes cast. Abstentions are regarded as invalid votes.
11.6 A majority of two-thirds of the votes cast is required for the appointment and expulsion of members, for the amendment of the statutes, for the dissolution of the association and for the purpose of changing the purpose of the association. The dissolution of the association and the change of the purpose of the association can only be decided if at least 10% of the full members are present or represented in the general meeting. If the meeting is not quorum thereafter, a new meeting shall be convened immediately with the same agenda, which shall in any event be quorate; this must be indicated in the invitation.
11.7 In elections, those who have received more than half of the valid votes cast are elected. If no one has received more than half of the votes cast, a runoff vote will be held between the two candidates, who will receive the most votes. Then the one who has received the most votes is elected. If the number of votes is equal, the lot to be drawn by the chairman of the meeting decides.
11.8 Resolutions of the General Assembly must be recorded. The voting result is to be noted here. The protocol must be signed by the chairperson and the secretary.
12.1 The board consists of the chairman and three vice-chairmen, one of whom is responsible for the finances.
12.2 The board within the meaning of § 26 BGB are the chairperson and the three vice chairmen. Three out of four members of the Executive Board are authorized to represent each other.
12.3 The Board of Directors determines from among its members the chairperson.
13.1 The board manages the affairs of the association and is responsible for all matters, as far as they are not assigned by the statute to another association organ. It can grant itself rules of procedure.
13.2 The Executive Board’s obligations are:
13.2.1 preparing, drawing up the agenda and calling the General Assembly;
13.2.2 executing resolutions of the General Assembly;
13.2.3 establishing a budget for each fiscal year, accounting, preparing of the annual report and certify the bank accounts;
13.2.4 concluding and terminating employment contracts;
13.2.5 advising and defining projects to be funded;
13.2.6 passing resolutions on the admission, deletion and expulsion of members;
13.2.7 Appointing Advisory Councils and / or Working Groups.
14.1 The Board of Directors is appointed by resolution of the General Assembly for a term of two years. It remains in office until a new board is elected.
14.2 The order may be revoked by the General Assembly only for good cause, as in the case of a gross breach of duty or the inability to duly manage the business.
14.3 If a member of the Management Board leaves prematurely, the Executive Board may elect a successor for the remainder of the term of office.
14.4 The members of the Management Board can receive an appropriate allowance for their work.
If the activities of members of the Management Board or other members take on an extent that, after having weighed up all interests, makes voluntary work unreasonable, an appropriate expense allowance can be paid. The General Assembly regulates in a by-law the requirements and amount of an expense allowance and an appropriate remuneration of the members of the association and the members of the Executive Board.
16.1 The Association can only be dissolved by a resolution of the General Assembly with a majority of two thirds of the voting members present. The agenda must expressly refer to the dissolution of the association as the subject of discussion of the general meeting.
16.2 In the event of the dissolution of the Association, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise, the Chairperson and one of the Vice-Chairmen shall jointly be authorized liquidators.
16.3 In the event of dissolution of the Association or the abolition of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the Association shall be a legal entity of public law or another tax-privileged entity for use in promoting science and research and / or promoting arts and culture and / or promotion education, education and vocational training including student assistance.
The executive committee is authorized to make changes to the statutes caused by complaints of the association register or the tax office.
The above statutes were approved by the board of the association on January 12, 2017 in Berlin.
Signatures of the board