We would like to invite you to two public and in person lectures on 7th of December 2024, under the title Entangled Spatial Practices.
Janis Polar is a Basel based visual artist and cultural researcher. He investigates disturbed socio-ecologies in anthropocentric regimes and his own entanglements in them. His work engages at intersections of (media) technology, natural science, political ecology and personal experiences. Sites of research have been places which are often rendered as ‹last frontiers of nature› as well as landscapes of extractions – sites which he observes in their relation to the (non-)human and his own complicity. He mainly works with image-based media, archives and historical objects, combining (post-)documentarian and speculative approaches in installations and audiovisual performances.

Janis Polar, «kuker/site» installation, 2024
Distant Realities is an experimental design studio and architectural practice founded by Marine Lemarié and Nicolas Stephan. Distant Realities understands design and architecture as a medium to unveil hidden realities and possible futures in an entangled world governed by intricate systems of rules and obligations. Our work relies deeply on our interest in ecology, politics, economy, and technology and can be described as research-based, aiming to give alternative realities to current worldly situations. We do not consider our projects proposals, but scenarios, incorporating elements of the utopian as well as the dystopian. We merge the latest digital techniques with conceptual thoughts to create narratives in which unseen realities transform into visible ones.

Distant Realities, Tax Holidays, Thesis Project, SCI-Arc, Los Angeles, USA, 2019
The lectures will start at 6:30 PM, please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entangled-spatial-practices-tickets-1071385365469
Fieldstations eV | Interactive Scape
Floor D | Fourth Floor
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6
10179 Berlin, Germany
Members are also welcome on the Fieldstations eV General Assembly at 3PM!